Goals and objectives
- lobbying the industry’s interests in accordance with the decisions of the General Meeting of NFU members;
- formation of favorable business atmosphere in the EEU market for consistent sustainable development of the industry;
- representing the interests of the industry in government agencies and at the interstate level;
- active participation with government agencies and other industry unions, in the development of optimal production standards, quality and safety criteria for manufactured products;
- participation with government agencies and public organizations, in the creation of a system of sectoral monitoring of product quality and safety;
- promotion of industry products in the EEU markets and beyond its borders, dissemination of knowledge and positive experience in this area among consumers of products;
- creation of a unified information platform for NFU members, comprehensive analysis of industry indicators, global and domestic market of feed, premixes and feed additives, work with domestic and international media;
- harmonisation of the EEU legislation with European standards in the field of circulation of feed additives and their mixtures on the basis of cooperation with the industry unions of the European Union (FEFANA, FEFAC, etc.);
- organisation of legal and personnel support, specialised industrial training, seminars, webinars, scientific conferences, exhibitions, contests;
- systematic and consistent fight against counterfeit products and smuggling in close coordination with state control authorities;